The potential for wild land fire depends on both fuel loads and
on atmospheric conditions. Prior research on temporal variations
in fire regimes has primarily focused on fuel loads, and in
general has neglected the atmospheric component of fire risk. In
contrast, this study specifically investigates the historical
variations and potential future changes in the atmospheric
potential for large or dangerous fires in North America. The
Haines Index, a frequently used tool in wildfire weather
forecasting and monitoring, is used as an indicator of the
atmospheric potential for fire. Introduced in 1988 as the “Lower
Atmospheric Severity Index,” the Haines Index characterizes the
potential impact of dry, unstable air on wildfires and is
calculated from temperature and dewpoint in the lower
troposphere. The index values range from 2 (low risk) to 6 (high
risk), and the index has three different versions (referred to
as the “low,” “mid,” and “high” Haines Index) that consider
differences in surface elevation.
This research project has three main components:
Evaluation of Computational Methods for the Low Elevation
Haines Index.
The Haines Index was designed to use readily available
observations from upper air soundings. The original formulation
of the “low” elevation version of the index used temperature and
humidity observations at 850 hPa, which is a “mandatory”
sounding level, and temperature observations at 950 hPa, which,
although not an official mandatory level, was a regularly
reported pressure level at that time. In 1991 the National
Weather Service implemented a new mandatory level for radiosonde
observations at 925 hPa, and subsequent to this measurements at
950 hPa became much less frequent. Somewhat surprisingly given
the popularity of the Haines Index, there has not been a
coordinated, standardized modification of the low version of the
Haines Index to accommodate this change. As part of this
project, alternative approaches for calculating the low
elevation version of Haines Index are compared to the original
Historical Climatology of the Haines Index for North
A comprehensive, long-term climatology of the Haines Index is
lacking. To address this need, a 40-year (1961-2000) climatology
for North America is being constructed using temperature and
humidity fields from the National Centers for Environmental
Prediction/ National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR)
reanalysis. The climatology will be in the form of an electronic
atlas that focuses on the variations in the frequency and
persistence of the Haines Index at annual and seasonal time
Potential Future Changes in the Atmospheric Component of
Fire Risk.
Several researchers have considered how fuel loads may
change in the future, but potential future changes in
atmospheric stability and humidity have received little
attention. The Haines Index will be calculated from future
simulations from several General Circulation Models (GCMs) and
from a regional climate model (MM5) that is driven by a
larger-scale GCM. The projected values of the Haines Index will
be used to evaluate the sensitive of current Haines Index
patterns to a changing climate and to assess the range of
uncertainty associated with projections of the Haines Index for
a future climate.
This research is being conducted by climatologists,
meteorologists, and computer scientists at Michigan State
University and the U.S. Forest Service North Central Research
Rick Ochoa, National Fire Weather Program Manager, National
Interagency Coordination Center, Boise, ID
This research is funded by the Joint
Fire Science Program.